Eldritch History: RPG Legends & Lore
Eldritch History is a podcast about the background, legends and lore of tabletop role playing games. Each episode focuses on a specific element of TTRPGs (a particular game, character, story, product, company, movie, etc) and explores its fictional and real world origins. Have you ever wondered where the Whispered One came from? Why the gorgon is a bull? Why are there so many games about Cthulhu? Then this is the podcast for you.
Podcasting since 2022 • 18 episodes
Eldritch History: RPG Legends & Lore
Latest Episodes
Ravenloft - The Domains of Dread - Part I
This is Ravenloft, everybody scream! At this spooky time of year I couldn't help but look at the creepy side of D&D. So we're going into the mists and exploring the Domains of Dread: Bluetspur, Borca, The Carnival, Darkon, Dementlieu, Falko...
Episode 17

One D&D - Orcs & Ardlings
One D&D is on the horizon and playtesting is already underway. But while we're looking to the future of the game, it's also important to look at where in its past some of the changes are coming from. This episode I look at two options for P...
Episode 16

Lord of the Rings RPGs
One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them!I wish there was only one Middle-Earth game to bind all the players together, but over the past 40 years of LotR RPG...
Episode 15

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